Standing the Test of Time

I was going through some of my old tapes and “stuff”. Yeah, I’m one of those Pack Rats. I’ve got tapes going back farther than I’d like to admit. And the trouble is, many may be nothing but scrap now due to them being stored in a haphazard way. No low-humidity special rooms or packaging. Are you serious? But I digress…

I wanted to share with you something I found that I have now re-saved as a MP3. In Indianapolis, we had a woman’s clothing store back in the 70’s called Dorothy’s. Some of you may remember it. It was at several of the main shopping centers. But the point here is their unique form of advertising. The “Voice”. Dorothy’s husband, a real down to earth, straight-shooting kind of guy, voiced all the ads. No acting experience. Just told it like it was. In other words, exactly what agencies want the voice talents to sound like today. Natural, “real”, non-announcer type.

Give this spot from 1975 a listen and see if you don’t agree that this spot stands the test of time.

Listen how Dorothy’s husband, Herb voices the info with a “I don’t give a damn – listen if ya wanna” attitude and then closes out with his signature tag, “…My wife is Dorothy.” Great ear-catcher that worked well. And received a lot of attention back then. Would probably win an award today.

Did ya like that cool jazz music they always put under commercials back then. Aggh!