A New Year….perhaps a New Direction?

2019?  Really?  Sheesh…seems life is moving so fast, the older you get, doesn’t it?  You wake up Monday morning and stretch and then look around and it seems it’s already Friday!   Good Lord, what’s going on here?  I’m hoping that means that I’m enjoying life so much, that I need to stop and take a breath and “smell the roses”.  Well, I’m going to be my usual self and be the eternal optimist as my norm.  You?  Does it feel that it too is moving fast for you also?

We’ve been doing some things a bit differently as we prepared for this new year at the JG & Eva home, “Paradise Found“, as we call it.  We, uh actually, Eva, set up an entire budget for this new year, since she’s so into spreadsheets.  We have a budget!  So that means in order to live like we have become accustomed to, we gotta bring in some more dough or trim our expenditures.  We’re also on a new diet. (lifestyle eating change) so far, so good.  We’ll get back to that at a later time to bring you up to date.

Regarding voice work…I’m re-focusing on doing more e-Learning projects, Narrative jobs and Explainer Video’s.  I like long form that you can get “into” without doing any audiobooks.  That’s just not my gig.  Been scouring the Net to find the right people behind this new avenue of interest to me.  I’ve done a lot of narrative voiceover projects during my career and as you grow, your direction can seem to want to explore some of the areas you’ve touched on before.  And this seems to be my new interest.  And my studio today is more suited to it also, with equipment and acoustics with room to spread my arms out without hitting a Auralex wall.

And may I say, that I truly appreciate what the good people at GVAA, The Global Voice Acting Academy, have done over this past year.  They have documented and refined a living and breathing document called, The GVAA Rate Guide.  They have taken feedback, input of all kinds, from all avenues of voice talents and blended it into a working Rate Guide that makes sense, reflects today’s voice workplace and is fair to clients. When negotiating working rates, I simply send them to the guide and say, I fall in line with those prices and support them.  About 95% of my clients have not balked at all.  If everyone is on the same page, the only difference is the quality and style of the chosen voice artist.  Ya gotta love it.

What are you doing differently?  I hope you too have challenged your “typical normalcy“, otherwise, it’s like they say, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, is the definition of Insanity.”  Hey, I didn’t come up with that…But it’s true.