Welcome to the New Year

Another year has come & gone and I’m ready to fly into 2017.

So much is on the timetable for this new year.  I’ll be moving out of Mesa, AZ to my new home in Anthem, AZ, just north of Phoenix, at the end of February.  Very exciting time.  That will include a little down time perhaps as we switch over to the new studio setup.  But do not worry, I will have a back-up plan in standby to fill in any lapses.

New digs, much moving and such a bright future ahead.  So excited, I’m already packing.

I’ve also added a new addition to my company.  Eva Marie, will be the new Client Accounts Manager. She loves spreadsheets and will be making sure I keep my nose in the voice booth as she keeps the other paperwork up to speed. She’s wonderful and I’m sure all my clients will love her style.

Mr. Bauer, my Studio Security Cat, will continue in his role.  He’s a little upset, because Eva already told him that we’re keeping our budget in line and a raise for him is not currently in the stars with the move in hand.  He’ll get over it.

More later as we approach our exciting move.

All the best to you…from the West!